
Showing posts from 2011

Gathered & Dispersed

NOVEMBER 4, 2011 There is today and frequently has been through church history, heated debate on the merits of ‘attractional’ vs ‘missional’ models of church. Missional advocates might point out that ‘attractional’ models are more often about ‘in-grab’ rather than ‘outreach’. They are commenting on the fact that ‘attractional’ churches seek to run excellent programs that often foster a ‘consumer’ mindset. This in turn leads to centralized building costs and a growing Christian ‘subculture’ that is severely limited in its missional capacity. This is not something easily reproduced, is less flexible for mission and requires higher maintenance. Missional advocates will declare that smaller flexible models of church are more wieldy and informal and more able to do mission, being embedded in their target communities. They are low maintenance and more easy to reproduce. ‘Attractional’ advocates will argue that without large gatherings people often become too easily isolated or discouraged. T...